Marathon Time

If you know me, you know that I’m a runner. It’s one of those things that I do. All. The. Time.

Above is a picture of my and my grandparents. Aren’t they cute!?! In the past few years it has felt like I have constantly been training for something, and I guess I have been. I have competed in group triathlons (myself being the running leg), a personal triathlon, and many 10 km races. I completed two half marathons last year, and this Saturday will be my first marathon…in the Swiss Alps. Running a marathon is something I have always wanted to do, but I never actually considered it seriously. When I got a 5 month contract job in Switzerland starting this past April, I thought it would be a good opportunity to live out my dream.

Living in Switzerland has been amazing. And not the annoying use of the word amazing like “wow, that fruit salad is amazing”…really? REALLY?? You were amazed at the fruit salad? Seriously?….anyway, yes, living in Switzerland is amazing. I wake up every day so grateful to be here, and running in such a beautiful countryside literally takes my breath away sometimes.

Training has been hard. I work from 8 to 5:30pm everyday, so I often have to wake up at 5:30am to do my cross training (weights, kickboxing, cycling, etc), and then either run during my lunch hour, or after work. So, training pretty much takes over my life. I wake up, do cross training, work, run, sleep. The weekends are when I get to kick back and see the countryside of this beautiful place. Sunday is long run day, so sometimes I take the train to a nearby town and run in the alps for practice, or I wake up super early, train, and then go see the sites like any other person would.

So clearly I love it here. I love running in the alps and through the flowing hills. I love running through vineyards and along lakes. I can’t believe it will all be over this Saturday. I’ll be going through the post-marathon blues. But, I can keep exercising to to keep fit and keep eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to keep healthy. I’ve compiled a few of my favorite “marathon training” breakfast and snack recipes for you, so you know what a marathon gal gets to chow down on. Enjoy! Oh, and wish me luck!! :)

For breakfast try this protein packed salad from Oh She Glows.

Or try these yummy recipes:
Blueberry Banana Muffins
Multigrain waffles by 101 Cookbooks.
Zucchini Sweet Potato Bread
Cherry Pecan Granola by Healthy Food for Living.

For a snack try this avocado Chocolate Pudding. I love this stuff!

Or try one of these:
Pumpkin Cranberry Granola Bars
Energy-Packed Granola Bars
Marathon Cookies <—My favorite!
Green Monster Smoothie by Oh she Glows.

Warm Vanilla Sugar in Switzerland

Things have changed a bit for me lately. I moved to Switzerland, left my beautiful kitty behind with the boy (who will be joining me in May), and started a new job studying insects. I’m excited to begin this journey though, and I’m looking forward to learning new Swiss recipes to share with you guys! Beginning with chocolate – check out the grocery store isle’s here!!

Last summer when I visited Switzerland I posted about two traditional Swiss meals – Swiss Cheese Fondue and Raclette. The main ingredient in both recipes? Cheese of course.

Things are a bit different here in Switzerland. When I want a giant tub of peanut butter to make Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Cookies, or Buckeyes, I can’t just run to the nearest Superstore and buy it! Everything here is closed on Sundays and stores usually close in between 4 and 7pm every day. So, I have to use what I have on hand. I’m really excited to see what I come up with, but in the meantime, have you seen this cake by Sprinkle Bakes? I’m in love.