Avocado Chocolate Pudding

It’s 8am and I’ve already devoured an entire batch of chocolate pudding. Think I like chocolate? That goes without saying.

I have a few things in the kitchen that I need to get rid of. Oranges, a pineapple, and an avocado. So, to use up my avocado I threw it in my pudding recipe as a thickener. Think I’m crazy? Maybe. But this unusual recipe turned out to be the best chocolate pudding I’ve EVER tasted. Seriously folks, would I lie to you?

Avocados are great, and are considered the worlds healthiest fruit. Why? Because they contain vitamin K, dietary fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin C! So, using them in my chocolate pudding makes me feel great. I used other healthy ingredients like pure cocoa powder (instead of chocolate chips), honey (instead of refined sugar), and light coconut milk (instead of heavy cream).

I love chocolate, and telling you this will never get old. Earlier this year I brought some of my chocolate baking to a faculty pot luck to hear my professor say “Ew, I HATE chocolate”. Really?? I mean, really? People don’t like it? This baffles me in several ways. I sometimes wish I didn’t like it so much. It would save me from eating all of the cookie batter before I put the cookies in the oven, but it’s one of those simple things that I NEED to survive. Chocolate + Honey + Brown sugar = my favorite ingredients.

So here we are. 8 am and ready to begin another chocolate fun day. Awesome. This recipe makes 4 small servings and is 3 weight watchers points per serving.

1 ripe avocado
2 tablespoons dark cocoa powder
1/2 cup light coconut milk
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp honey

Put all ingredients in a blender and BLEND! The pudding will come out smooth and sweet. Absolute perfection!

Aren’t avocados just the greatest?


  1. H. Stewart says:

    Going to get the avocado tomorrow and make your awesome looking pudding. Let you know the results soon,

  2. I recently discovered how an avocado can make a healthy pudding, I use banana for sweetness, it’s amazing something can taste that good and be good for you!

  3. This is so totally cool!

  4. dates are also good as a sweetener. yum! thanks!

  5. Eva Taylor says:

    I am definitely trying this recipe tonight.

  6. i will try this pronto… i’ve got an avocado in my fridge just waiting to be devoured!

  7. i’m also really surprised to hear that peanut butter isn’t on the top of your list of baking must haves. i mean really – chocolate, honey and brown sugar? that’s it for you… i think i started following your blog b/c of all the peanut butter treats!

    okay, i’m going to go make this now… and eat it for breakfast :)

  8. I never thought to use an avacado in pudding… I do love avacado, and chocolate. May have to try this- especially since I can then justify chocolate pudding as healthy food for breakfast :)

  9. Its got to be the easiest and quickest chocolate pud ever…perfect when you’re craving it!

  10. Awesome recipe! I can’t eat dairy so usually miss out on pudding…this is a fantastic alternative!

  11. I just found your blog this morning.. I love this recipe, it’s almost like magic:) I’m following you now and off to look around!

  12. I made the pudding, and it is wonderful. And I love your blog!

  13. Can you subsitute goats milk for coconut milk?

  14. Fantastic, super easy, chocolatey snack!


  1. […] a snack try this avocado Chocolate Pudding. I love this […]

  2. […] Recipe taken from Warm Vanilla Sugar. […]

  3. […] Vanilla Sugar Avocado Chocolate Pudding: And in case you had extra avocados or chocolate left […]

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